International Children’s Book Day 2025 - Books That Inspire Movement

International Children’s Book Day 2025 - Books That Inspire Movement

April 2nd brings International Children’s Book Day to the world, and kids everywhere have a chance to discover amazing stories full of adventure, action, and inspiration. While getting out and getting active with play, sports, or fitness activities is so important for young people, reading is a fundamental skill and source of entertainment. Why not combine the two on this special holiday and help your kids learn about fun things like roller skating that they can do outside?


What are the best adventure books for 10-year-olds and similar ages?

Many skilled authors create books for kids that encourage activity these days. For the younger crowd, ones like “Dinosaur Roar” runs through a whole range of movement they can mimic. Beginning readers can enjoy “Dance in Your Polka Dot Pants,” “Boogie Monster,” and similar action-focused short stories with fun pictures. “The Berenstain Bears on Wheels” is a classic that shows off all sorts of fun outdoor activities.

For independent readers who have graduated from picture books, look for stories that center around sports, wilderness adventures, and activities like skateboarding, bicycling, and roller skating. “The Dork Diaries” series is a great option for this age group, and especially girls who are just learning to navigate the preteen years. Books similar to “The Dork Diaries” include “Diary of a Wimpy Kid,” and “The Babysitters Club.” 

Newbery Honor Award winner “Roller Girl” offers the best of both creative worlds. It’s an inspirational story of a girl who loves roller derby and a short graphic novel at the same time. It encourages movement and covers the challenges of middle school friendships.


Love Roller Skating? These books will inspire kids of all ages.

With a pair of Nattork kids roller skates and a smooth, flat surface, children and teens of all ages can enjoy fun forms of movement. For International Children’s Book Day or any day with inclement weather, a book about this favorite activity is a great option. Some popular choices include:

· Frances Flamingo Rainbows and Roller Skates

· If You Roller Skated the World

· Wheels of Summer

· Roller Bears: Ready-to-Read Level 1 

Not only are these books a great option for early readers who already love skating, but they’re an opportunity to introduce young people to a new form of movement. Books open doors to imagination, knowledge, and fun. It might come as a surprise to parents that they can open the door to movement and physical fitness, too.


How parents can choose the best adventure and movement books for their kids

Start with things you already know your children and pre-teens love to do. If your daughter is into dance, encourage more practice or fun with “Bunheads,” “How Do You Dance?” picture book, or “The Ballet Book.” If your son’s a big sports fan, try out “Inspiring Football Stories,” “The Boy Who Never Gave Up,” or ‘The Kid Who Only Hit Homers.” There are books about every possible topic out there.

Next, look further afield and suggest some books about types of movement or adventure they may not have experienced yet. Outdoor recreation is a great option, especially since the weather will get warmer and summer vacation from school approaches. Pick both non-fiction and story books to try.

On International Children’s Book Day this year, give your kids a new experience by combining reading and pictures with encouragement for movement, activity, sports, active pastimes, and fun.


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